Mozgásvezérlő (Soft PLC) Szoftver
Stepper interfész Raspberry PI vagy más SBC-hez
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Tekintse meg a Click&Move ismertető videofilmjét:
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A mozgásvezérlő modulok használata
És végül:
Mozgásvezérlő PC interfész (mikro-) kártya (uMACC)
MicroMACC (uMACC: Motion Automation Control [micro-] Card) is a compact and low cost controller interface for up to 6 (optionally more) axes of servo- or stepper drives with step/dir (pulse/dir) commands. MicroMACC interfaces with any Click&Move (C&M) user created application - running on a Windows PC - via RS232, RS485, USB or Ethernet ports.
Fully functional Click&Move IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is free to download (non-registered version) from the manufacturer's website:
The running C&M application calculates Position and Velocity points in Time (PVT) of the commanded motion, then these commands are forwarded to the uMACC card. Here the PVT points are interpolated and converted into coordinated multi-axis step/dir signals. All motion parameters are set and configured by the user application, or they can be set on the fully featured HMI screen as well. C&M user application is created in the Click&Move - function block based, graphical - development enviropnment, conforming to the specifications. C&M offers nice graphical HMI editor/runtime system as well, on a simple Windows computer screen. All computing resources (including the memory) of the PC are available to the programmer in the powerful C&M development-, as well as in the runtime environment.
Using the latest generation 32-bit Risc processor engine and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) circuits, uMACC offers high speed and flexible user programmable motion controller. The C&M IDE is used to create applications. On board buffering is utilized to overcome the non-real time nature of the Windows OS. Stand alone versions with hard real time capability are also available from the manufacturer.
Separate CAN channel connection (RJ45) is available on the MicroMACC board that enables the user to mix and match AMC networked servo drives with third party step/dir servo- or stepper drives. (E.g. X, Y, Z axes can be AMC networked servos and A, B, C axes can be third party step/dir drives.)
The Micro-MACC can also serve as an intelligent I/O module with I/Os synchronized to motion. The on board I/Os can be further expanded with CANopen devices conforming to the standard DS401 I/O profile, or a dedicated hardware I/O extension board.
Application specific pre-programmed MicroMACC versions are available for OEM-s. High speed hard real-time applications (e.g. servo loops, data acquisition etc.) can also be implemented in the user programmable MicroMACC version.
Alkalmazási példa:
Programozási példa:
További fényképek:
Opcionális I/O modullal kiegészítve:
Fájlok a letölthető csomagban:
Az általunk forgalmazott szinkron szervomotorok kis inerciájú forgórésszel rendelkező motorok, nagy dinamikus igénybevételre. A forgórész neodímium (NdFeB) mágneseket tartalmaz, ami rövid ideju terhelés esetén nagy csúcsáramot enged meg.
A fersorolt motorokat alap kivitelben TTL vonalmeghajtó (line drive) kimenetű enkóderrel szerelve szállítjuk.
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